Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

inspiration. sometimes it comes from the most unlikely of places. sometimes it doesn't come at all. that's what i've been dealing with lately, the lack of inspiration. not just in writing or in art, but in life. i haven't been inspired to do really anything. i go through this every year. i get so excited about classes starting and the possibilities that a new year brings and then when it's here i lose all desire to pursue it. so how do i go about igniting that inspiration or desire? in all areas of my life, i need it. spiritually, educationally, artistically. wholly.
fall retreat is coming up this weekend and i've lost all excitement about going. at the beginning of the year it was something i was looking forward to so much, but now that it's here it seems as though i could care less. i really don't even want to go. is this normal? i don't want to be unmotivated anymore. maybe i need caffeine.

just thinking "aloud" ...